Photo Credit – Western Producer

***Original published in Crossroads This Week, Oct 19, 2018***

Hog Advocacy Group takes Issue with Farmer’s Hog Barn

The RM of Yellowhead received a special presentation from the advocacy group Hog Watch Manitoba during their Council meeting in Strathclair on September 25. Hog Watch’s representative, Ruth Pryzner, went over a lengthy submission to Council regarding perceived violations concerning a hog barn located in the former RM of Strathclair.

The 17,905.7 ft2 hog barn in question is located along with an existing hog facility at NE 32-16-21 and is owned by Wilhelmus Verbruggen. When he was contacted for comment, Mr. Verbruggen was unaware of any issues arising from the barn that has been in operation since the spring.

As confirmed by Ms. Pryzner, Mr. Verbruggen was never contacted by Hog Watch representatives. They never visited the site and did not consider asking for a tour. He was never contacted by the RM with any concerns and as far as he knew he had followed the correct regulatory procedures and was operating the barn in accordance to provincial regulations.

Hog Watch Manitoba’s main concerns include: the RM did not conduct a Conditional Use hearing on the expansion of the existing pig operation at the site; since the RM operates on the ‘honour’ system, there is no mechanism to verify information supplied by building permit applicants; the manure storage capacity for the new barn will be inadequate; and the farmer may be in violation of the Water Rights Act.

In their opinion, Hog Watch feels that Yellowhead RM and the Province should enforce their regulations and policies. Ruth Pryzner stated that lawbreakers should not be rewarded and punitive measures should be levied. She has documents from when Mr. Verbruggen undertook an unsuccessful Oakview Conditional Use Review back in 2016 for a 6000 head feeder barn. She contends that the farmer should have known that he could not have gone ahead with this latest barn without a Review. In her estimation, there are too many issues to be resolved and the hog barn will be unable to ever be brought into compliance.

For their part, the RM Council is going to fully review the matter. According to Mayor Yanick, it does appear that a mistake occurred and that Council should have conducted a Conditional Use hearing regarding the construction of the hog barn and expanded operations on the site. Meanwhile, the Council’s intent is to contact Mr. Verbruggen and gather information related to Hog Watch Manitoba’s concerns. After they have had a chance to conduct their due diligence, Mayor Yanick says they will determine the best course of action moving forward.

The Council’s findings and recommendations will be discussed at their next regular meeting on October 9.

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Blair is a personification of a ‘Jack of All Trades and Master of None’. He has held several careers and has all the T-shirts. Time to add the title Blogger to the list.

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