Stop The Funding of Canadian Domestic Terrorism

April 6 Update: So after a brief hiatus, the war in the woods over the CGL pipeline is starting to pick up.
The Unist’ot’en Camp website has a propaganda video up decrying the fact that CGL ‘Man-camps’ are working on the pipeline during the virus crisis. The general points they try to make is they are abusive to the local women, they aren’t essential services, and they aren’t practicing proper social distancing. CGL has already addressed safety issues connected with the camps and the work being conducted is to do with regulatory deadlines. Besides, it will have been sanctioned by the province’s health network.
Added into the mix is an outfit called Indigenous Youth for Wet’suwet’en. They were responsible for many of the blockading protests at the Victoria Legislature. Of course, they have their own donation site.
Disconcertingly, they have taken it upon themselves to travel to the Witset/Houston area to protest the work going on with the pipeline. A video appeared on Twitter after the young people had been detained by the RCMP for violating a court injunction. Hereditary Chief Smogelgem and Molly Wickham are seen to be welcoming this group’s presence. It appears the group wants to be in the woods for the long haul as they have a laundry list of items they’re asking people to donate regarding their cause.
It’s baffling that in this time of ‘Stay at Home‘ and ‘Don’t travel unnecessarily especially to remote locations‘ that this group decided that it was a good idea to make the trip North. In a delicious twist of irony, one of their Twitter statements is ‘We understand we must protect our elders, knowledge keepers, and communities in order to preserve our languages, and cultures.’ They are directly endangering ‘the elders’ with their precence if they’re carrying the virus.
What is also unconscionable is the warm welcome they’ve received from the fake Hereditary Chief Warner Naziel and long-time activist Molly Wickham. These people don’t care whose health they jeopardize whether it’s the pawns from the South or their own elders.

March 1 Update: In a reversal of the parable of Muhammad and the Mountain, the Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs have succeeded in convincing the Mountain (the Federal Government) to come to them. But this is not a Biblical story of David slaying Goliath to win the day. This is more of a Game of Thrones episode full of greed, lust and avarice for power, duplicity, and misogyny.
So what exactly is the endgame for the governments, the gas pipeline companies, and the Hereditary Chiefs? Here’s a few salient points no one, especially the sycophant MSM, is discussing:
- Are you aware of the Pacific Northern Gas (PNG) Pipeline that has been safely operating through Wet’suwet’en traditional territory since 1968 and in fact heats the Smithers offices of the Hereditary Chiefs? Huh, kind of hypocritical of them to state ‘No Pipelines’.
- The Coastal GasLink pipeline is not the only NG pipeline proposed for the area. The proposed Pacific Northern Gas Looping Pipeline will mostly be a twinning of the PNG pipeline and will run right through the same disputed area. The Pacific Trails Pipeline will be running along the same route as the Coastal GasLink Pipeline. So what’s going to happen with all of these other projects that have been on the books and for which agreements have been signed?
- Are you aware of the Hereditary Chief’s resources company called Wet’suwet’en Ventures Ltd.? The Office of the Wet’suwet’en (OW) is involved with forestry, mining, and a resort. Their Ventures Company has been very lucrative over the years according to their financial statements. So if they are willing to cut down trees and mine for profit, why are they so against a pipeline or several going through their land as long as they are properly compensated?
- Are you aware that three of the HCs stole their titles from a group of three matriarchs? Frank Alec Jr. who is identified as a main Hereditary Chief is a FAKE! So is Warner Naiziel who is not the real Chief Smogelgen. Frank Patrick also stole his title.
- The stealing of titles points to the real motivation of the HCs which is greed and the lust for power. When they were opposed by the sitting women chiefs, they literally stole their metaphorical thrones and crowned themselves as monarchy. As explained by Gloria George in the Resource Works interviews the men who gave them the boot are not following Wet’suwet’en traditional law. She describes them as products of bad experiences in the residential school system and are seizing power.
- Consistent with this lust for power, the HCs are attempting to wrest control of the six Wet’suwet’en Nations away from the elected Band Councils who were the ones signing the agreements with the BC government and the pipeline companies. If they can get the governments to recognize that they are the go-betweens for the Wet’suwet’en then the Band Councils get neutered. This is where the traditional purpose of the HCs gets tossed on its head. Their purpose is to promote harmony and consensus within their people and to represent their wishes. By destroying the legitimacy of the ELECTED Band Councils in favour of literal dictators for life who are operating against the wishes of the vast majority, they are acting entirely opposite of traditional Wet’suwet’en law.
- So where is this headed? The Liberal Trudeau government would like to shut down Canada’s oil and gas sector but it would be difficult to entirely cancel this pipeline, let alone the other proposals, which is the stated goal of the HCs. Today’s announcement from the talks suggests a transfer of land title to the HCs. That would be the first step for them to complete their coup d’état against the Councils. BTW, the agreements signed never gave up any title to land but why quibble about actual facts. The HCs and their minions like Molly Wickham exaggerate and bald-face lie constantly.
- The routes of the pipelines could be altered but that’s really a non-starter plus there really is no point. Years of effort on the part of the FNs people and company scientists have gone into determining appropriate routes. That kind of delay is what kills these projects.
- But, as demonstrated, other than some of the hyper-activists like Freda Huson and Molly Wickham who probably honestly want the pipelines to be cancelled, the male HCs are motivated by greed and power. They are going to work towards some nice fat government handouts and funding which will keep the OW running. Coincidentally, their family and friends will keep sharing in the largesse. They will work it so they entirely run the Wet’suwet’en Bands as dictators for life.
- Unfortunately for the people of those six Bands, they will be disenfranchised and held voiceless by their own people. Also, what hope for good paying jobs, services, and prosperity that would have come from timely completion of these projects is fast evaporating.
- As for the activist organizations in the background that have been funding the HCs, I think some of that influence has been overstated. According to the OW’s financial records there have been substantial amounts transferred to their organization but they are a drop in the bucket compared to the sizeable yearly government transfers. The big bucks come from government coffers and the HCs have the weak willed Trudeau government by the short and curlies.
So to sum up, this has largely been a power struggle where five men have been attempting to wrest control of their six Band Nation away from the elected Band Councils. It is not about the environment, it is not about reconciliation, it is not about consultation, it is about plain old greed and the lust for money and power.
What is sad is the MSM is complicate in furthering this farce and in the end FNs people are just going to suffer at the hands of the amoral few. The cycle of despair and poverty will just continue.

February 28 Update: Today’s update is going to deal with activist organization donations to the Office of the Wet’suwet’en (OW) plus the irregular fundraising on the part of the professional protesters. These lucrative fundraising drives are raking in millions particularly now when there is so much attention being directed towards their cause.
Some of the main culprits, regular Unist’ot’en Camp summer residents, and general scallywags are Freda Huson, Molly Wickham (employed as the OW Governance Director and paid $21,300 (2019), $66,600 (2018), $39,000 (2017), etc., and Cody Merriman. Wickham & Merriman are a couple. These three are also getting rich from multiple crowd source fundraisers both directly and indirectly.
Looking through the financial records of the Office of the Wet’suwet’en (OW), over the years there are a few entries for fundraising revenue. $57,000 declared in 2019, $1500 in 2017, $96,000 for 2016 but nothing particularly large considering their budget is in the millions.
So I started hunting down all the extra-curricular fundraising sites and came up with the following list:
- GoFundMe Wet’suwet’en Access Point on Gidimt’en Territory – 2019 Fundraiser and closed. Organized by Jennifer Wickham (probably a relative of Molly’s) for Cody Thomas Merriman. $239,507 raised
- GoFundMe Gidimt’en Strong – Started Jan 2020. Organized by France Maybe (Fake Person) for Molly Wickham. $250,606 raised of $300,000 goal
- The Action Network Unist’ot’en Camp Legal Fund – 2019 Fundraiser and closed. Freda Huson’s name is on this. The amount raised has been erased but my screenshot showed $416,485 raised of $800,000 goal
- The Action Network Unist’ot’en 2020 Legal Fund – 2020 Fundraiser again with Freda Huson’s name. Claims court costs to date are $400,000 and last year $385,000 raised (short a few thousand). Again the amount raised for this year was erased but a screenshot says $468,471 raised of $800,000 goal
- GoFundMe Support the Likhts’amisyu spring build – Run by Warner Naziel (Ex of Freda Huson and the FAKE Chief Smogelgem who stole title from Gloria George) and Adam Gagnon (also throws around that he’s a High Chief). Started Apr 2019. $9,200 raised of $50,000 goal
- Online Store Solidarity Art Space – Merchandise proclaiming solidarity with the Hereditary Chiefs and down with colonial settlers. All proceeds to the The Gitimt’en camp (with their extra fundraisers) and the The Unis’tot’en camp (with their extra fundraisers)
- GoFundMe Support the Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs! – Sovereign Likhtsamisyu (aka Warner Naziel & Adam Gagnon) with their multiple options for donations is organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Angie Gagnon. Started Feb 2020. $44,779 raised of $50,000 goal
- GoFundMe TO Solidarity with Unist’ot’en land defenders! – Example of some of the cross country support for the HCs. $4,950 raised of $5,000 goal
- GoFundMe From Mi’kma’ki to Unist’ot’en Yintah – Example of the fundraising so outside people can come and be a part of the blockades in the woods. $1,675 raised of $2,000 goal
- GoFundMe Documentary: Protecting Unceded Lands in BC – Example of the propaganda efforts of the movement. They are very active on social media and are working hard to sway the ‘Hearts & Minds’ of Canadians with their lop-sided portrayal of the ‘colonial’ governments and ‘oppressive’ police. $2,165 raised of $20,000 goal
- GoFundMe Stand with Lelu – SkeenaWild Conservation Trust is organizing this fundraiser. This professional activist group was financing many FN band Hereditary Chiefs to oppose the CGL pipeline. $19,765 raised of $40,000 goal
- RAVEN (Respecting Aboriginal Values & Environmental Needs) Stand strong for Wet’suwet’en Yintah Another professional activist group based in Victoria, BC with strong ties to the BC Sierra Club. $135,932 raised of $250,000 goal
- Swift Foundation – An example of the non-Canadian professional activist trust foundations directly funding the OW. $29,643 donated in 2018 (source, OW financial statements)
- Bulkley Valley Research Centre, Pacific Salmon Foundation, Skeena Fisheries Commission – Activist environmental organizations whose donations pop up in the OW financial statements.
Adding up the fundraising numbers, it appears that $1.5 million has been raised in donations in the last year. That’s a lot of money which is mostly untraceable and the use of which has little accountability.
Stay tuned for the next update for my guesses on what the endgame of the Hereditary Chiefs is. They say they are adamant about cancelling the Coastal GasLink Pipeline but if the government caves then Canada might as well close up shop wrt our resource industry. My bet right now is the HCs want a bigger part of the pie and will roll over with a sufficiently large bribe from the Feds.
February 26 Update: Today’s update is going to deal with Aboriginal Reconciliation, Consultation, and Funding in relation to the Wet’suwet’en Band Council (elected Chief and Councilors) and the Office of the Wet’suwet’en (the Hereditary Chiefs) .
The Office of the Wet’suwet’en represents the Witset Band (Moricetown) (2050 people); Wet’suwet’en Band (256 people); Burns Lake Band (Ts’il Kaz Koh) (146 people); Nee-Tahi-Buhn Band (152 people); Skin Tyee Band (187 people); & the Hagwilget (798 people). This totals a Federal Registered Population of 3589 on/off Reserve. I’m not sure where the 5000 population figure comes from as described in this recent Vancouver Sun article.
Spoiler: They are not hard done by in regards to funding and despite the lies of the ‘Hereditary’ Chiefs (HCs), there has been plenty of consultation and reconciliation programs.
Here’s another good take on the Office of the Wet’suwet’en and the shady ways of the ‘Hereditary Chiefs’ from Western Standard.
I absolutely love how the governments, companies, and councils are required to archive things like audited financial statements, government policy, consultation meetings, and copies of signed agreements. There is so much useful, verified, incontrovertible proof to throw in the faces of liars. Funny how next to no one has pulled up these reports. I came across one article that referenced the most recent funding for the Wet’suwet’en but you need to delve further into the financials to get the whole picture.
Taking a trip on the Wayback Machine, 20 years ago, the Office of the Wet’suwet’en (OW) ie. The Hereditary Chiefs signed a Political Accord Concerning Land & Resources with the Federal and Provincial governments. The intent of the document was ‘to work together cooperatively and collaboratively in a mutually beneficial way with regard to land and resources, economic initiatives and associated Wet’suwet’en capacity and training needs….‘.
Since then, the elected Band Councils of the Wet’suwet’en Nation have signed numerous economic, forestry, and Natural Gas (NG) agreements. As an example, the actual Wet’suwet’en Band has signed two NG pipeline agreements, Coastal GasLink (2014) and the Pacific Trails Pipeline Economic Participation Agreement 2008 (PTP).
Wait for that PTP project to flair up this year too.
Just for fun, here’s all the BC NG agreements that have been signed with the BC FNs in the last 12 years.
Here’s a couple of key points from the Wet’suwet’en Band Coastal GasLink agreement: The band was given millions for a signing bonus; the band is to receive extra money each year in ongoing benefits; ongoing consultation was written in; the agreement was not taking any land away from the Wet’suwet’en; the Band Council under Chief Karen Ogen signed a resolution that they had the legal authority, had consulted with the band members, and had legal consultation to authorize signing the agreement. Considering there was an election in 2016 of Chief and council who were pro-pipeline, I would say that illustrates general acceptance of the agreement contrary to the lies of the Hereditary Chiefs who say otherwise.
Direct from the contract signed in 2014: Clause 3.6 Ongoing Benefits. The Province will provide Ongoing Benefits of $10,000,000.00 (ten million dollars) per year for the Coastal GasLink Pipeline Project to Wet’suwet’en First Nation and other Eligible First Nations in accordance with sections 3.7 (Entitlement to Ongoing Benefits) to 3.11 (Inflation Adjustment).
Going through all the bands listed as signing agreements on the Coastal GasLink pipeling, I count 16, and adding up the official population numbers, it comes out to about an extra $1100/native getting kicked in by the Province per year.
As a slight tangent, one of the main beefs of the HCs and protesters is the lack of consultation and will for reconciliation. Take an hour or so and read through the BC Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation (MARR). The BC government is solidly behind listening and accommodating FN’s people and to say otherwise is a repudiation of plain facts.
As regards to the Coastal GasLink (CGL) project, a report from yesterday sheds some light on the obstinacy of the HC’s. CGL has bent over backwards to consult with the FNs along the pipeline route. They’ve actually changed the route to accommodate concerns. But through the entire process the only people gumming up the process, being non-cooperative, and refusing to even listen were the HCs. Oh, by the way, under a Supreme Court of Canada 2018 decision, the HCs DO NOT have veto power.
From the report’s Closing Statement: ‘The deafening message being portrayed is that we are where we are because of inadequate consultation with Office of the Hereditary Chiefs of the Wetʼsuwetʼen. As the record shows, there have been nearly eight years of incredible effort by CGL to consult and mitigate concerns with all communities impacted by the project, including Office of the Hereditary Chiefs of the Wetʼsuwetʼen. CGL’s and the EAO’s methods of communication aren’t working for Office of the Hereditary Chiefs of the Wetʼsuwetʼen, or maybe Office of the Hereditary Chiefs of the Wetʼsuwetʼen just doesn’t want to hear what is being said.‘
Okay, now we can look at sources of regular funding and audited financial statements for the Wet’suwet’en Band Council (here & here) and the Office of the Wet’suwet’en (here).
Here are some interesting figures gleaned from the audited consolidated financial statements & Schedule for Renumeration and Expenses for the Band Office. Keep in mind, the official census of the Wet’suwet’en is 256 people:
- Prior to the 2016 election which brought in Chief Vivian Tom, Chief Karen Ogen was taking in a salary of about $85,000/yr plus an expense account of about $25,000/yr. Chief Tom has pulled the numbers back to $50,000 and $13,000
- Total revenue per year from 2013-18 averaged $3.3 million
- Total revenue derived from government sources through that time period was $1.3 million/yr
- CGL paid a total of $2.8 million to the Band Council from 2013-18
- Pacific Trails Pipeline has paid $1.7 million
- Chevron, Teck Frontier, and Trans Canada Pipeline have paid them $190,000
- Pipeline money for this period is $4.7 million. These monies do not include spinoffs due to employment, facility use, Band business ventures, etc.
Now, let’s look at the Office of the Wet’suwet’en’s books:
- Wages for the 13 HCs are frugal, $9500/yr for the Head Chief, $9250/yr for the rest. Total travel expenses were only $70,000.
- For the period 2013-2019, total revenue averaged $4.2 million/yr
- For the period 2013-2019, direct government revenue played a large part in the OW income stream at $2.5 million/yr
- The Ministry of Children & Family Development kicks in millions to run OW programs like Wet’suwet’en Aboriginal Justice, Culture Camps, Reconnections programs, Child Services, Early Childhood and Family programs, Cultural Planning, etc.
- Fisheries and Oceans has spent millions helping them run fishery programs
- The Ministry of Aboriginal Rights and Reconciliation has given them hundreds of thousands of dollars
- The environmentally sensitive OW HCs have made through their Wet’suwet’en Ventures Ltd. company $2.3 million off of logging since 2014
- The OW has mining interests through their Ventures Ltd. company
- The OW has directly taken half a million in a line item called ‘Coastal Gaslink Project Assessment’ to assess the pipeline since 2014. According to the Western Standard this money came from the ‘Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency; although a 2016 issue of Wetsuwet’en Voice references a $30 million provincial LNG Environmental Stewardship Fund.‘
- The OW has directly taken over $300,000 from other pipeline companies to assess their impacts
- The OW regularly takes money from environmental groups like Tides Canada, (here’s a few reasons why Tides Canada should not be funding groups in Canada) Pacific Salmon Foundation, and Skeena Fisheries Commission. Tides Canada has been a regular contributor to the OW and since 2013 has given them $230,000.
Now quickly here’s the financials from the other Nation Band Councils:
- Witset (Moricetown) – Revenue 2019: $23.2 million
- Wet’suwet’en Band – Revenue 2018: $1.9 million
- Burns Lake Band – Revenue 2019: $8.1 million
- Nee Tahi Buhn Band – Revenue 2018: $1.0 million
- Skin Tyee Band – Revenue 2019: $3.2 million
- Hagwilget Band – Revenue 2019: $6 million
- The Office of the Wet’suwet’en – Revenue 2019: $6 million
So just to wrap up: The various Band offices of the Wet’suwet’en Nation including the OW, receive about $50 million/yr (the bulk of which is direct government monies). That works out to $14,000/registered Wet’suwet’en per year. They run numerous Child & Family Services, their own form of Aboriginal Justice System, money for consultations, treaty negotiation, reconciliation, resource development, proceeds from mineral, logging, and pipeline development. If they go ahead with the two pipelines, CGL & PTP, they will receive even more millions to keep programs and employment going.
What, pray tell, do the Hereditary Chiefs have to bitch about?!?
Next update will deal with the irregular fundraising through GoFundMe, The Action Network, and other forms of fundraising that are not showing up on the OW’s books.
Stay tuned because the MSM ain’t gonna tell you about this!
February 25 Update: So, all through this debacle, it has been described as ‘the Hereditary Chiefs of the Wet’suwet’en are opposed to the Coastal GasLink pipeline proposed to run through their territory‘. The terrorists/protesters who are attempting to cripple Canada’s economy are ‘STANDING IN SOLIDARITY WITH THE HEREDITARY CHIEFS’. The latest calls are for PM Trudeau to meet with these HEREDITARY CHIEFS and magically their dialogue will solve all these issues.
Sure seems like these are important people considering they are the focal point of a national crisis. But inexplicably in all this time, have any of the MSM outlets actually made you aware of who exactly these people are? What’s their background, what’s their beef with gas pipelines, WHAT EXACTLY ARE THEIR FUCKING NAMES FOR CHRIST’S SAKE!!!
A precious few people have shone some light on who these people are. J.L. Seagull with the JLS Report has the most comprehensive compendium of primers, articles and interviews regarding the Wet’suwet’en. Stewart Muir, a veteran journalist, has been tirelessly tracking down the story on the ground in Wet’suwet’en territory. You can find his reports on Twitter and the Resource Works website.
Here is a good article from the National Citizens Alliance which summarizes much of the JLS Report articles regarding these FAKE Hereditary Chiefs.
Between a precious few reporters, my own research, and with zero help from the absolutely pathetic, large networks, here’s the low down on these mysterious Hereditary Chiefs.
Let’s first back up a little bit with some background context. The Carrier Sekani Tribal Council (CSTC) has seven member nations which includes the Wet’suwet’en First Nation. About 255 members make up this nation and live on and off Reserve lands. They are served by the Wet’suwet’en First Nation Band Office located at Burns Lake. There is an elected council with a mayor and two councilors.
Confusing the waters, is the addition of the Office of the Wet’suwet’en (OW). This is where the Hereditary Chiefs of the Wet’suwet’en work out of providing programs to help their people. Further confusing the waters, is who exactly is a Hereditary Chief and who are the bald-faced liars.
On the OW website, there is a list of their Hereditary Chiefs. On the JLS Report site, there is a somewhat different list:
There are 11 Hereditary Chiefs (at this time) plus two vacant positions.
Four out of Eleven: John Ridsdale (Na’Moks); Jeff Brown (Madeek); Fred Tom (Gisday’wa); Alphonse Gagnon (Kloum Khun)
The remaining Hereditary Chiefs: Chief Smogelgem, Gloria George; Chief Woos, Darlene Glaim; Chief Goohlut, James Namox (representative for vacant); Chief Wah Tah Kwets (Frank Patrick) designated house spokes leader Chief Wihaliy’te, Theresa Tait-Day; Chief Knedebeas, Warner William; Chief Samooh, Herb Naziel; Chief Hagwilnegh, Ron Mitchell
Vacant Hereditary Chiefs: Chief Wah Tah K’eght, Henry Alfred (deceased); Chief Kwees, Florence Hall (deceased)
The OW site still lists Henry Alfred as a chief, so my inclination is to go with the info from the JLS Report as the most up to date.
A few days ago, some ‘Hereditary Chiefs’ spoke to the media after their meeting with Mohawk protesters at the Belleville, ON blockade. The main spokesman was identified as Chief Woos, Frank Alec Jr. To his left was the infamous Freda Huson and next to her, ex-husband, fellow long-time activist Chief Smogelgem, Warner Naziel. NONE of these people are legitimate Hereditary Chiefs.
Frank Alec Jr. and Warner Naziel STOLE their titles in a coup involving three matriach chiefs, namely Darlene Glaim, Gloria George, and Theresa Tait-Day. The women’s sin was their support for the pipeline which would help bring an end to the crushing poverty of their people. Click their names to listen to their gut-wrenching stories.
From a CSTC backgrounder: ‘Hereditary Chiefs are chosen at an early age. The Elders and Hereditary Chiefs choose a child that shows leadership and a caring concern for others. The child is then prepared for leadership by being given responsibilities and taught our history and how to govern. When the preceding Hereditary Chief dies or is unable to work, the new leader is given the name in Bahl’ats. Holding this name is a sacred trust; no one can take any name they want and the transfer of a name must always be done in Bahl’ats.‘
In the interviews and from articles in the JLS Report, it is clear that the dissenting women were muscled out by the ‘Wet’suwet’en Five’ aka ‘the Fab 5’. Many of the other Hereditary Chiefs have been outright bullied in order to prevent dissenting voices.
In addition, many of the trouble makers play fast and loose with who can be called a Hereditary Chief. Freda Huson and Molly Wickham pretend all the time that they are chiefs. Molly Wickham and Cody Merriman tried running a RCMP checkpoint by claiming they were Hereditary Chiefs. Adam Gagnon barged into a Coastal GasLink presentation claiming to speak as a High Chief for the Laksamghu Clan when it was not his place.
Below is a picture, courtesy of the JLS Report of L-R, Rob Alfred (Fake Chief), John Ridsdale (the real Chief Namoks), and Antoinette Gagnon (Fake Chief) leading a protest march in Smithers, BC. Throw on a fancy blanket and you too can be a Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chief. Note: official regalia is not for general walking about. The elders are pissed that these people are disrespecting their heritage this way.

This is just the beginning of the mountain of lies from these people. They are hoaxters of the first order. My next update will concern their multitude of funding sources and their lies concerning reconciliation and consultation regarding the pipeline.
Stay tuned because you are not going to get this from the MSM!
February 19 Update: When I watch some of the staged video on the part of the radical activists, I am reminded of surveillance video from Afghanistan. Head leaders of the Taliban would occasionally get together for meetings. They were aware that armed American drones were above them and in order to deter a Hellfire missile strike on their mud hut, they would make a show of placing a small child outside of the door. Radicals have no problem with using women and children as human shields. In fact, they are eager for a death or injury to occur because they will take that footage and splash it through left-leaning MSM outlets in order to sway the hearts and minds of the bleeding heart liberals.
These lessons are not lost on the eco-terrorists who are holding Canada hostage. As I have mentioned, there is an excellent website run by J.L. Seagull (The JLS Report) which is running an excellent counterpoint to the MSM outlets. There is a recent, unedited, protester propaganda video from the Unist’ot’en camp out in the BC woods up on the site. I urge people to take the time to watch so you can fully understand the context of how propaganda is used by these people. They will be using juicy clips for their own purposes and their hope would be that MSM would rebroadcast them thus furthering their ‘Hearts and Minds’ campaign. BTW, their GoFundMe account has raised over $223,000 in the last month.
Here are a few points you should be aware of while watching the video:
- One of the main activists, Freda Huson (in the fancy blanket) along with Warner Naziel have been disrupting work along that pipeline route since 2010 with the help of other professional protesters bussed in from the South. Part of the background story can be found at The JLS Report plus a Houston Today article from August 15, 2012. Keep in mind, employment and benefits from the pipeline for the Indigenous/BC/Canadian people from the gas fields to Kitimat has been stalled by this small group for a decade. Also, Coastal GasLink has been attempting to consult with these ‘people’ for that long.
- As you watch the video, you will notice how the protesters are attempting to intersect other causes. It’s a shotgun approach, throwing mud against a wall to see what sticks. Our ‘Drama’ teacher Prime Minister would be proud of the class efforts of this bunch.
- As the video opens, there is the symbolism of Huson (a woman) beating the drum, putting on war paint, and facing down the ‘evil’ government forces dressed in their tactical gear disembarking a helicopter. It is a classic modern world ‘invaders’ overrunning ancient aboriginal culture metaphor. All they needed was a bulldozer but instead they had to settle for a couple of snowplows later in the video.
- The video then tries to intersect with the Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) movement by showing the red dresses (indicative of Margaret Atwood’s ‘The Handmaid’s Tale‘ and the subsequent TV series). There are also signs warning of a planned ‘450 Man Camp‘ and the lack of funding for MMIWG. The implications are that men are predators and the totalitarian state does not care about Indigenous women.
- Women are prominently featured, their children and ‘ancient’ ways are invoked, and numerous videographers are present attempting to capture that perfect moment.
- The full video shows how it backfires on the protesters as the RCMP are incredibly restrained and treat the women with kid gloves.
Here is an excellent question: if the RCMP can peacefully remove protesters from a pipeline right of way without serious incident, what exactly is stopping the OPP from removing the protesters who are holding the country’s economy hostage? Echos of Oka and Ipperwash are floated about by the do-nothing Liberals but if the protesters on the lines are not armed, what is stopping the police? Here is video evidence that people can be removed without serious incident.
IMHO, considering the infiltration of the Prime Minister’s inner cabal with the likes of Gerald Butts (Former Canadian President & CEO of WWF) and Former Tides Canada VP Sarah Goodman, Trudeau is probably playing a higher stakes game. There are wheels within wheels throughout this debacle and it will be the First Nations and the Canadian people holding the bag when the butcher’s bill comes due. Frankly, my prediction is that Trudeau is willing to burn down Canada in order to further his personal ideology regarding our fossil fuel use and development. First it will be another interminable delay of this LNG pipeline, then it will be non-approval of the Frontier Teck mine, then cancelling the TMX pipeline, and so forth. This, along with the foot dragging over the rail line protests, will drive Canada firmly into a recession.
When does this kind of disservice to the country move into the realm of treason?
February 18 Update: Today, I would like to highlight the work of Stewart Muir, the Executive Director of Resource Works. During this national crisis, he and his team have been getting out to the real Wet’sewet’en people, elected band councils, and pro-LNG pipeline Hereditary chiefs to get the other side of the story that the MSM are patently ignoring. You can follow Stewart’s reports via his Twitter handle, @sjmuir.
One of Stewart’s colleagues, Margareta Dovgal, posted a gripping video on Resource Works (@Resource_Works) of Skeena MLA Ellis Bross explaining how outside activist groups constantly interfere and sow division within First Nations in Northwest BC. As he explains, the First Nations get used and then end up worse off when the activists move on. I suggest everyone watch the video and follow the MLA’s thoughts via his Twitter account, @ellisbross.
Resource Works News interview with Skeena MLA Ellis Bross
Resource Works also just posted a video interviewing Bonnie George, a Wet’suwet’en woman of the Witset First Nation. With her lineage from both sides of her family, she could easily lay claim as a Hereditary Chief. In the video, she describes how the obstructionist Wet’suwet’ens do not speak for the majority. Bonnie also gave a good interview on CBC Radio recently describing the situation.
Take the time to look through the articles and videos posted on Resource Works. One juicy article details how a BC government employee ended up at the blockade Unist’ot’en camp and helped create under-handed strategies to derail the pipeline approval process. Also, unbelievably, the BC Government authorised a $400,000 grant for the blockade’s operation!
Stay tuned for more updates that you are not going to get through the Canadian MSM who seems decidedly bent on presenting only one side of the story.
February 16 Update: There is endless coverage in the MSM news cycle about the protests and the protesters. But there is precious little information coming from the actual Wet’suwet’en people who are affected by this Coastal GasLink pipeline.
There is an excellent website called The “JLS” Report which holds a large collection of articles related to the Wet’suwet’en nation. It puts all of these issues with the protesters into perspective. According to the site operator, the site represents the ‘Local Wet’suwet’en and local residents, united against the invasion of the Bulkley Valley. We want the protestors out of our territory. You are no longer welcome here.‘
The site further states, ‘Are you supporting aboriginal rights that deny other aboriginals of their rights? The Unist’ot’en anarchists & obstructionists would have you believe it’s their land they defend, when the truth is the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council also claim the same land. Are you being duped into sending anarchists support and cash? The anarchists and their Chiefs represent less that 15% of the Wet’suwet’en people. Learn more, read and challenge your knowledge of the facts, or, challenge them to prove their claims, as opposed to taking their word for it.’
The site’s latest article comes from a woman with firsthand knowledge of the damage these renegade Hereditary Chiefs are causing. Entitled ‘Wolves in Fancy Blankets‘, I suggest you read this brave, gripping account.
After I contacted her, she opened up more about her experiences. “Although Caucasian I have been a member of Westbank First Nation since I was 16. I have seen a lot . As you have read in (The) JLS report these 4- 5 chiefs are just bullies. The protesters don’t stop to think that what they are doing to the Nation is worse then any colonizers that they protest. I live in the Okanagan so I’m away from it but everyday I watch the gullible “show up” feeding off the garbage media gives them. The CGL provided informed consent. We lived here in Kelowna and they (flew) my husband to Smithers many times to the meetings. He, like many, opposed pipelines and he was open to listening and through the process, his mind was changed for LNG. The anti-pipers were the only ones ignorant and closed-minded and they still are!”
Wouldn’t it be nice if more people like this brave woman could be heard over the noise of the rabble which doesn’t care about their well-being?
February 15 Update: Although it may appear from the MSM news coverage that there are only a few main protests in the provinces of BC and ON, the following interactive map details the multitude of #shutdowncanada protests and blockades that have occurred from coast to coast to coast. Although some of these acts of civil disobedience would be spontaneous, it defies imagination that all of this has not been organized at some level.

Some of that organization and direction is coming from terrorist websites exhorting Wet’suwet’en supporters and terrorists to take up full anarchy and sabotage against Canada in their supposed solidarity with the opposition of the Coastal GasLink pipeline in BC. True North published another one of these websites, this one based in Montreal named Montreal Counter-Information. Again, similar to the other terrorist websites named by True North yesterday, this site contains a ‘How To section’ on sabotage. One of the ‘How To’ sets of instructions is on the method of filling a fire extinguisher with paint for the purposes of vandalism. It seems the protesters are using these methods as Federal Justice Minister David Lametti’s constituency office in Montreal was vandalized in this manner February 7.
Most of these anarchist websites are linked and carrying similar information for general dissemination. It is easy enough to Google pro-Wet’suwet’en protester sites which are carrying open calls for revolt in Canada. Here’s another one from Germany called Enoughisenough14 which has been in operation since 2012. They are featuring mostly news of the Canada wide protests but one of their recent blog submissions, called Reconciliation is Dead – A Call For #Revolt After the Raid from a person who identifies as tawinikay reads as a straight call for open anarchy in Canada. Here is the PDF of her manifesto in case this one gets taken down.
Here’s a lovely quote from the document: It is time to shut everything the fuck down.
So who exactly is this tawiniky, which is an obvious alias which she is using to cover her identity? Well tawiniky authored another paper, ‘Autonomously and with Conviction’ which is described as ‘Transcription of a talk given on October 12, 2018 at the 13th annual Decolonizing Thanksgiving Dinner in Guelph, Ontario on traditional Neutral/Chonnonton, Anishinabec, and Haudenosaunee territory.’
Speakers for the event were listed as Carolyn King and Jaydene Lavallie (residence listed as Dish With One Spoon Territory aka Hamilton, ON). Located on the anarchist website From Embers, there is a written transcript from the event. The numerous self descriptions of Jaydene Lavallie and tawiniky clearly indicate that they are the same person.
Jaydene Lavallie, who is associated with the Laurier Students’ Public Interest Research Group (LSPIRG), has a well-documented past connecting her to questionable and illegal activist activities. See here, here, an anarchist speech at McMaster University, etc. or just Google the woman for yourself.
I reached Ms. Lavallie to question her about her activities and writings but she refused to comment. Also, for the record, my attempts to contact Pam Palmater have been ignored.
***UPDATE February 13 – So today, True North broke a story about extremist left wing sites, North Shore and Warrior Up. The Warrior Up site literally has an Arson & Sabotage tab which directs Wet’suwet’en protesters on how to destroy Canada’s infrastructure and to cause civil unrest. After doing some digging, it seems that #warriorup ties in with some well known Wet’suwet’en activists, namely Pam Palmater, Annie Ohana, Anna Gerrard, and a Twitter account stareeflew. In light of True North’s breaking story today, #warriorup might have been used as a call to arms for the coordinated civil unrest gripping most of the Nation. Below are screenshots of these women’s recent tweets.***

During this recent Canada wide civil unrest, some might say domestic terrorism, related to the blocking of the Coastal GasLink pipeline, have you wondered how the protesters organize so effectively and manage to fund their efforts?
While here is a little sneak peek at how these activist groups conspire to bring our nation to its knees. I will give you a hint, American interests are interfering with Canadian sovereignty again.
So, despite all the bands and vast majority of First Nations people along the proposed natural gas pipeline route agreeing and supporting the project, the unelected Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs and their supporters set up an illegal blockade in the BC woods in protest. This blockade has been up for quite some time and it needed a BC Supreme Court injunction served in order to start the process of dismantling it. Here is a question: How was this illegal activity funded?
Well if you want a ‘Call to Action’ and a method of raising funds, you hire a socialist American Public Relations firm to put together a very slick marketing campaign. Here is the home page of the Unis’tot’en Camp. It is a very sophisticated, detailed website which lays out the ‘how to’s‘ of this protest group.
Scroll down to the Site Credits and you will find an Oakland, California company called Design Action Collective proudly taking responsibility for the site. It would be charity to call them left wing liberals as their client page includes the likes of numerous quasi-domestic terrorist organizations such as Black Lives Matter, Greenpeace, Palestine Solidarity Legal Services, etc.
Looking deeper through this very professional, detailed, and expensive Wet’suwet’en protester’s website, you will come across a page for the ‘Wet’suwet’en Supporter Toolkit 2020’. There is no direct call for civil disobedience but when you dig a little deeper you will find some of the methods this group uses to fund their illegal activities.
American crowdfunding sites, GoFundMe and the activist website The Action Network have been used to directly raise hundreds of thousands of dollars from 2019 to now. The first 2019 GoFundMe drive organized by Jennifer Wickham raised $239,507 for the beneficiary, Cody Thomas Merriman. The 2020 GoFundMe drive organized by France Maybe has raised $171,279 YTD for the listed beneficiary, Molly Wickham. Jennifer Wickham is listed as a Wet’suwet’en media coordinator. Cody Merriman and wife, Molly Wickham, have a long history of protesting with the Wet’suwet’en causes. But who is France Maybe? This person does not appear to exist. This should be called fraud and can be reported through the GoFundMe fraud reporting site.
In fact, is GoFundMe in the business of facilitating the financing of fraudulent and illegal activities? The reported actions of the people in that remote camp could loosely be called domestic terrorism and they have definitely committed illegal acts. At the very least, who are their financiers? If a person wanted to launder money or hide the fact that outside American interests were supporting this group, what better way than to anonymously donate to them. 2019’s fundraiser is shut down but the 2020 page shows $25,733 YTD anonymous donations just in the top 11 donors.

Here’s a short list of who else is funding the Wet’suwet’en protesters:
- A Center for Grassroots Organizing ($3132) – An American group with a mission ‘for helping organize mass social movements’. It is headed by former Black Panther, Black Liberation Army, Zapatista sympathizer, former US robbery convict, anarchist Ashanti Alston.
- GSA Carleton Ottawa ($1000) – socialist Graduates’ Students Association from Carleton University in Ottawa
- Victoria Pho ($1000) – hard to pin this down when there are so many Vietamese Pho restaurants in Victoria
- Aman Thabrkay Dhaliwal ($1000) – Another mystery person with no online presence
- Lottie “Fuck the RCMP” Blix ($1000) – self proclaimed anarchist living in Calgary
- Meenakshi Mannoe ( $850) – a manager with the Vancouver Pivot Legal Society
- VT Solidartiy(sic) ($797) – Looks like an American activist group based in Vermont
- E.S. Sulakshana ($766) – aka Elana Sulakshana, Energy Finance Campaigner, for the San Francisco based Rainforest Action Network
- As you scroll through the donors list, you can see where it is likely that non-Canadian funds are being donated. Any uneven amounts listed would be due to the exchange of currency.
The GoFundMe fundraising efforts are a drop in the bucket compared to the funds this protest group has raised through the self-described American progressive movement Action Network. This ‘mission-driven’ organization was set up to organize mass Anti-Trump protests in the States. Publicly, the Wet’suwet’en protesters have been using the site for very lucrative, anonymous fundraising. The 2019 Unist’ot’en Camp Legal Fund campaign raised $416,375 and the Unist’ot’en 2020 Legal Fund is listed at $470,501.02. This may be a cumulative amount or separate as the only information on the site is contributions will go to the Unist’ot’en Camp which is listed as the sponsor and creator of the fundraiser.
***Update on The Action Network fundraising: They have removed the amounts raised. Good thing I took screenshots. Also, from documentation related to their legal costs, it does appear that the 2019 and 2020 figures are separate amounts.***

Again, should the Action Network be facilitating the raising of anonymous monies that are being funneled into illegal activities here in Canada? If Canadians feel that this organization is being used improperly, they can register a complaint through the Action Network support page and use the email address: support@actionnetwork.org.
Another important point with all these fundraising monies is in their own literature, ‘The Unist’ot’en are not a non-profit or NGO, so your donations will not be tax-deductible.’ It would be interesting to see what monies have been declared to the CRA.
Canada is being dismantled by special interest, domestic terrorists who are flaunting the law, barricading and disrupting our lives, and costing the country millions of dollars each day. They are using sophisticated American firms to destroy our society and way of life. They are financing these illegal efforts through dubious, anonymous means.
It is time to fight back, expose, and destroy their fraudulent, fundraising schemes. Hit and empty their wallets before they totally empty ours!
Blair is a personification of a ‘Jack of All Trades and Master of None’. He has held several careers and has all the T-shirts. Time to add the title Blogger to the list.